Local information
Village Hall contacts: Text Milly on: 07745580632 or Jill on 07581188982 to book your place.
Biffa Site Management: 350394
Environment Agency Comms Centre: 0800-807060
(to report e.g. smells from landfill site,water course pollution etc)
Doctors: Harbury Surgery 612232
St. Wulstan`s Surgery, Southam 810939
The Surgery, Stowe Drive, Southam 812577
Library: High Street, Harbury 613297
High Street, Southam 812523
The Royal Pump Rooms, L/Spa 742721
Leamington Spa Courier 457777
Meals on Wheels: WRVS 01789209210
Last Postal Collections:
Post box by bus shelter Mon-Fri 4.00pm
Refuse collection hotline: 01789 260616
Vets: Avonvale, 88 Coventry St., Southam 812826
...if you feel there is other information you'd like to see here, please tell us (but at the moment we don't accept advertisements!)